Paper Garlands for Christmas 🎄

Ginger bread garland

During the holiday season, decorating has become an important note on our todo list, right after shopping and baking cookies. For my family holidays always called for traveling, and cooking. And this year unfortunately traveling is out, entertaining is out and we are left with cooking, baking, and keeping our family busy, happy, and healthy.

During holidays making ornaments to decorate the Christmas tree became a way to also entertained our guests, specially the younger ones. Nieces and nephews, grandparents, and classmates, will spend time putting together a ginger bread house, or get crafty and make ornaments, to keep or give as gifts. This year with a smaller number (no guests ) we are still planning on making paper garlands, and ornaments, decorating, baking, thinking of our family, friends, and just be thankful and grateful during the holiday season.💕

To see step by step instructions on how to cut a perfect angel and a Christmas tree garland Please click on this video 🎄 we love to read your comments💕 so please watch, leave a comment, and subscribe👍

Peppermint candy garland👍😄

Have a safe and happy holiday season ❄️☃️

Place cards for the holiday table😋

This is a fun project that my family actually loves to work on without complaining. It is part of setting our table for our family before sitting down to give thanks for all the wonderful goodness around us.

This year we are setting a smaller table, but the work is still there, and we need place cards to be clear who is sitting where. Yes for the three of us !! Our fun project started with gathering our supplies. We get creative and try to be colorful, interesting, and unique.

Cinnamon sticks wrapped in colorful ribbon holding a place card
Used a sharpie on Christmas tree balls

Please watch my video for more photos on how to make fun, natural, beautiful place cards with your family👍 Have a wonderful, safe holiday season💕

DIY Natural Fall Decorations with Acorns and Pines🍁

This mess free DIY fall center piece is easy, fun and inquires a walk outdoors among the pine and oak trees.

If you ever look for an excuse to enjoy the early fall, take a leisurely walk to collect your supplies to create a very beautiful useful natural center piece. It would be a great reason to spend time outside with your family and get everyone’s creative suggestions to put together several centerpieces for any room in your home.

Supplies: sharpie, metallic paint, brushes, acorn, pine cones, cinnamon broom, essential oils ( citrus, sandalwood, vanilla..)

Collect acorns
Pine cones
Metallic paint (gold or silver)

Please watch my video for step by step instructions, and ideas for each center piece.🍁

Metallic sharpie:

Deco art gold:

Deco art silver:

Mercury candleholder :

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Give any room a fresh look

It is not easy to keep our high traffic rooms at our home clean, and organized. Our kitchen, living room, bathrooms can look rundown and dull, even if they are cleaned and put together at the end of each day. Our home sometimes needs a fresh look, or a touch of color.

Adding a tray or a platter with colorful rocks, and sea shells can help you put together an interesting accent piece for color and a fresh look. If it is the play room and your kids can help you create an accent piece or a tray with candles, to help you relax in a cozy corner with a good book.

You can put together :

1- A deep platter or a tray

2- Cut flowers

3- dry flowers

4- rocks

5- sea shells

6- candles

7- botanical oils

8- herbs

Please watch my video on how to create these accent pieces, just click on the link below:

Jolly cupcakes

Gingerly driving the Jolly cupcakes to school🤣

Every year during the holiday season my daughter’s school encourages all students to contribute to their chosen charities.

Students, bake, cook, do crafts, sell paintings, just about absolutely anything their heart desires to make some money for their charities.

Marketplace at school is an exciting day, and a learning experience. Students get the chance to learn about helping others, organizing their time, creating something that others want to buy, and learn about marketing their products.

This year my daughter with her best friend decided on baking cupcakes with flavors of the season. Minty wonderland, caroling coffee, ginger bells, and fa la la vanilla. After spending an entire Saturday afternoon baking, they had 40 cupcakes ready for sale. And the night before the market, couple of hours was spend making beautiful, delicious frosting in holiday colors.

After driving to school, very cautiously, and an hour early to grab a good table, they were ready to sell.💰

The jolly cupcakes were a hit.🧁🧁😋👍

Adding color, and designs with Washi tapes


See the collection

Washi tapes popular for scrapbooking projects, and DIY projects. Cover up just about anything to make it colorful and beautiful. You can even write on it.

Available in many designs and colors Washi tapes are fun to have on hand to add your own style to any project. Add borders to pictures, cover keyboards, turn a plain vase to a colorful accent piece. Infinite possibilities, to get creative.

Washi tapes collection